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Emergency Dentist in Cape Coral, FL

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Compassionate Emergency Dental Services in Cape Coral, FL

Dental emergencies are a common problem impacting people of all ages, although the majority of traumatic dental injuries affect children and teenagers. Whether you suffer tooth trauma or develop a sudden toothache with no obvious explanation, it’s important to get fast relief for your dental emergency. When the injury is limited to your teeth and gums, the best option is to be treated promptly by a dental professional rather than going to the emergency room. Timely and accurate diagnosis and treatment of dental emergencies isn’t always carried out when patients go to hospital emergency departments. 


At Kari Mann Dental Studio in Cape Coral, we offer emergency dentistry for many problems, including painful toothaches; knocked out, dislodged, abscessed, cracked or chipped teeth; painful tooth root infections and a condition called dry socket. If you’re looking for an emergency dentist in Cape Coral, our team is here to provide emergency care for various dental issues. If you require an emergency dentist near you, we are dedicated to promptly relieving your pain and restoring your oral health. Call us and we’ll do everything we can to work you into our schedule and offer the finest emergency dental care in Cape Coral!

At Kari Mann Dental Studio, we offer emergency dentistry for many problems, including painful toothaches; knocked out, dislodged, abscessed, cracked or chipped teeth; painful tooth root infections and a condition called dry socket.

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Addressing Dental Emergencies in Cape Coral with Expert Care

Comprehensive Emergency Dental Treatments in Cape Coral

Traumatic dental injuries involving either direct or indirect impact can result in a knocked out tooth. A knocked out tooth that has been partially or completely dislodged requires immediate attention. It’s important to handle the tooth gently, rinse it quickly in cold water and avoid touching the root surface. If you can’t put the tooth back in the socket, placing it in milk at room temperature can preserve cell viability for up to six hours. The chance of successful replantation depends to a large degree on the length of time the tooth has been out of the socket and how it was stored. If the tooth is replaced in the socket by Dr. Kari Mann within the proper timeframe and held secure with a splint, it’s possible to save it.

When a tooth is luxated, that means it’s dislocated or dislodged from its normal position. During an injury, the tooth can get pushed forward, backward or sideways, partially out of or into the socket. Treatment for a dislodged tooth in Cape Coral, FL involves Dr. Kari Mann repositioning and stabilizing it. Splinting is only recommended for teeth that are still mobile after repositioning. Dislodged permanent teeth usually require root canal treatment.

When a toothache strikes, this can be debilitating, but being aware of warning signs and seeking prompt treatment can help prevent pain from worsening. Typically, warning signs include discomfort when biting down, sensitivity to heat or cold and irritation when brushing or flossing. A toothache accompanied by swelling or fever often indicates a dental infection, which requires quick attention. If pain is caused by a fractured tooth, sometimes this can’t be repaired and the tooth needs to be extracted.

A tooth abscess is a buildup of infected material (pus) in the center of a tooth caused by a bacterial infection. Small openings in tooth enamel caused by decay or trauma allow bacteria to enter and infect dental pulp. An infection due to an injury, cavity or previous dental work can cause an abscess to form at the base of the tooth root. At Kari Mann Dental Studio in Cape Coral, FL, we have extensive experience treating dental abscesses with emergency root canal treatment.

Symptoms of a cracked tooth include pain when chewing or biting; sensitivity to heat, cold or sugary drinks and food; intermittent pain and swollen gums around the affected tooth. If you experience these symptoms and think you have a cracked tooth, it’s important to seek treatment quickly before the problem gets worse. Dr. Kari Mann can treat cracks that extend into the pulp with a root canal, but cracks that extend below the gum line require extraction.

Composite bonding is an effective and fast option to repair chips in molars. Dr. Kari Mann places the tooth-colored resin on top of your chipped tooth, shapes it and then uses a special dental light to harden it. Porcelain veneers are the preferred method for fixing chips in front teeth. We provide a temporary resin veneer that you’ll wear until your final veneer comes back from the dental lab.

Dry socket occurs when the blood clot in an empty tooth socket doesn’t form or gets dislodged after a tooth extraction. The exposed underlying nerves and bone cause severe pain. While this painful complication only occurs in an estimated 0.5–5.6% of simple extractions, dry socket can impact up to 30% of cases following surgical removal of wisdom teeth. To prevent infection and resolve intense oral pain, call our practice immediately. Urgent dental care in Cape Coral, FL involves cleaning the empty socket and packing the space with medicated gauze. This process may need to be repeated until a new blood clot forms and pain subsides.

kari mann with patient under going emergency

Making you comfortable and helping you heal are always our top priorities.

Professional Emergency Dental Care in Cape Coral

If you experience a dental emergency in Cape Coral, FL, we offer same- or next-day appointments. We’ll accurately diagnose the underlying cause of the problem, relieve your discomfort and always try to save your tooth and fully restore its function. We offer several types of sedation to alleviate dental anxiety and ensure your ultimate comfort. We accept insurance and offer third-party financing to help you pay for unexpected emergencies, because you shouldn’t have to worry about affording unplanned dental care.

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Dental Emergency or Medical Emergency?

PLEASE NOTE: If you experience neck or head pain, are bleeding uncontrollably, feel dizzy or suffered severe trauma, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 or getting transported to the nearest medical facility. Medical personnel are best equipped to assist you with these serious symptoms.

Promptly Resolve Pain With Urgent Dental Care Near You!

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